2021’s ‘Dawn of the Beast’ rises to the occasion, with horror thrills and chills of epic proportions. Director, Writer, and Producer Bruce Wemple provides horror fans with something to scream about. They will definitely be talking about this unusual, yet modern take on a “battle royal” with monstrous beasts versus human survival. All the while, evil lurks in the shadows of the wilderness.
This monster thriller stars Adrian Burke, Ariella Mastroianni, Grant Schumacher, Willard Morgan, Anna Shields, LeJon Woods, Roger M. Mayer, Francesca Anderson, and Chris Cimperman as a group of ambitious graduate students. Along with their boozing instructor in tow, they unwittingly get a lesson in terror and death. These students want to study and document, the mystical folklore beast Bigfoot “The Squatch.” The students venture out deep into the forest wilderness. With no cellphone service, television, or any contact with the outside world. Dawn Of The Beast heart-pounding adventures begin.
The students are all one with nature. Also, they’re soon to be one with a cannibalistic creature know as Wendigo. No spoilers here, but the wilderness is the home to Bigfoot. BigFoot has a “Big” problem with bloodthirsty, mystical cannibals who lurk in the shadows of darkness. It’s a huge battle in the wilderness for life until dawn. Truly a battle of the beasts like no other.
Horror movie enthusiasts will absolutely love Dawn Of The Beast. It’s a unique take on a horror genre film. One that will leave its viewers breathless, satisfied and wanting for more.
Dawn Of The Beast is released by Uncork’d Entertainment on Digital and DVD.
Movie Rating: 4 stars.
Movie Rating Guide
1 Star = Unwatchable
2 Stars = Cannot Recommend
3 Stars = Great for the Fans
4 Stars = A Solid Movie
5 Stars = Must Own (DVD/Stream Download)
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