September 28, 2024

The Kombos Collective, formerly the Greek Chamber Music Project, presents captivating programs in intimate concert settings inspired by the Hellenic World. The collective champions Greek composers and sheds light on the rich musical repertoire coming from Greece and the Greek diaspora. Some recent programs include “Music of Resistance: A Tribute to Mikis Theodorakis” (2024), “Uproot: Music from Asia Minor” (2023), the commissioning of “Talos Dreams” inspired by the myth of the first robot (2021-2022), deeply personal songs about The Iliad in “Conversations with Homer” (2020), and the East Coast tour “Remembering the Jews of Greece” (2019). The Kombos Collective has released several full-length albums and has performed at prestigious venues such as the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Library of Congress, as well as cultural centers and universities across the U.S. and Canada.

The Kombos Collective release a new recording titled “UPROOT”. This compelling program of Greek songs from Asia Minor celebrates this vibrant musical heritage and captures the refugee experience through song. The collective comprises the musical talents of Katerina Clambaneva (vocals), Ellie Falaris Ganelin (flute & alto flute) Emma Selmon (clarinet & bass clarinet), and Mary-Victoria Voutsas on piano (featured image). The new album features guest artists Anastasis Sarakatsanos (qanun),Wesley Hornpetrie (cello), Anders Eliasson (percussion), and Costas Dafnis (mandolin)

The album drops this June 21st, 2024. For further information on the artists, please visit the following links:


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