Siyaphambili Orphanage
Thank you for granting the interview to chat about the charities, Debbie! How did you start getting involved with charities?
I have five charities on my website (www.debbie-sherman.com) that I am involved with and love dearly. I started with each of the charities by volunteering and learning more about them. These charities include: The Light House Children’s Home (an orphanage in Thailand), Compassion Physical Therapy (physical therapy clinics in Kenya and Mexicali), Cherish (a ministry for young moms and teens in Fontana, CA), Daughters of Cambodia (a center helping victims of sex trafficking in Cambodia) and Siyaphambili Orphanage (An orphanage in Langa, South Africa).
With so many charities to choose from, how do you determine which one you can help the most?
I love children and my heart breaks when I think about children being abused and/or without parents. So for me, giving my time to children is a perfect fit. I am so fulfilled by their sweet faces and loving nature. I had the opportunity to visit Siyaphambili Orphanage while filming in South Africa and I was so very touched by the beautiful spirit of each child at the orphanage. I was also blessed to visit The Light House Children’s Home while on vacation in Thailand. I feel connected to these children and am committed to raising money and awareness about their orphanages. These charities are all places I’ve had the opportunity to visit and that is how I stay connected and committed. I was once told, “We are blessed so we can bless others.” It has stuck with me and I do my best to embody this saying whenever possible.

The Holidays are the time when charities have their greatest need. How can someone choose a charity to donate to?
Holidays are a great time to donate. When people are in need of love and Christmas cheer it is a blessing to have the ability and heart to donate. I love donating to orphanages and young mom groups as they have a great need. It isn’t about the gifts as much as it is about the magic of Christmas. Feeling loved is so important and is something we all need. Whether you are giving to a struggling family or young mom who can’t afford to buy her child a gift or to orphans who won’t have Christmas love from their parents, you are giving the gift of joy and love on Christmas morning and that is priceless.
First, let’s talk about Compassion PT. They provide physical therapy services in impoverished areas. People who are underprivileged and underserved benefit from their service. Tell us about your passion for Compassion PT.
A very good friend of mine, Natalie Winblad, is one of the founders of Compassion PT. She is a doctor of Physical Therapy and has a heart for others. When she started this organization, her mission was to help those who could not afford care and who had no access to Physical Therapy. This organization provides people with a way to be healed and helped by physical therapists. Compassion PT has helped so many men, women and children in Kenya and Mexicali heal and be able to live life again. They give people hope and a new shot at life. The clinic is supported solely on donations and I am proud to stand by Compassion PT and the amazing work they are doing to help those who are underserved in areas of the world that are in dire need of support.
Have you had an opportunity to meet the Kenya team?
Different people go out on missions to Kenya. The team often switches up, which is great because new experience and expertise come with every new volunteer. There are full-time physical therapists that Compassion PT hired and trained in Kenya and they are there making a difference daily. I have met several people from different Kenya teams and they are all incredibly gifted and loving.
How can someone get involved or donate?
Donations are always welcome and so appreciated. You can get more information on my website (http://www.debbie-sherman.com/wp/charity-compassion-pt/). There is a link to the donation page, information about the organization and a video showing just how Compassion PT is changing lives for deserving people in Kenya and Mexicali. If you have a skill that you feel would be helpful on a mission, Compassion PT would love to hear from you! Please use the above link to send them a message.
Let’s talk Cherish Ministry. Cherish Ministry is for pregnant teens and young moms. This organization offers a great service to many in need. Tell us about your passion for Cherish Ministry.
I volunteered with Cherish for many years. I wanted to volunteer in my community and there was no better fit for me than Cherish. This ministry strives to reach out and connect with pregnant teens and young moms in our community so that they feel hope and love. Cherish provides counseling, finance training, parenting advice and workshops, relationship help and so much more. Many of these young moms are trapped in cycles of abuse, haven’t finished high school and are struggling to take care of themselves and their babies. They need support and someone who cares about them and Cherish provides this is a non-threatening and uplifting way.

What do you love the most about it?
I love the girls and young women who attend the meetings. These ladies are everything. They are doing the best they can to make a life for themselves and their children. When you see a change in a mom who has come to multiple meetings it is a true testament to the organization and its unconditional love for the women God has brought to this ministry.
How can someone get involved or donate?
Cherish has a diaper sponsorship program. You can donate a pack of diapers monthly to a mom in need. If you are in the area, Cherish could always use extra hands to help. They hold training for new volunteers to help you get familiar with common practices and meeting structure. They are always looking for extra help and donations around the holidays. Please visit http://www.debbie-sherman.com/wp/charity-cherish-ministry/ for more information and to donate.
Let’s talk The Lighthouse Children’s Home in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It is for children who are impoverished, lack opportunity, abandoned and orphaned. This organization also offers a great service to many in need. Tell us about your passion for The Lighthouse Children’s Home.
While on vacation in Thailand, I had the opportunity to visit The Light House Children’s home. It is just outside the main city of Chiang Mai and is run by a Southern California native. When I arrived at the home I was greeted warmly by the children and they gave me a tour of the facility. This orphanage takes in children who are fully orphaned, have parents in prison or who have drug problems and/or children who have been trafficked. One of the youngest kids had part of his hand blown off because he was a playing with fireworks. Its tough to see that in a four-year-old. The children have gone through so much and are met with love, joy, and warmth at The Lighthouse Children’s Home. I could feel their comfort and joy that is clearly facilitated by the founder of this home (who lives onsite herself). Because of this wonderful home, these children are given the opportunity to thrive, to flourish, to have an education and to be loved. They have been given a future when theirs seemed bleak. The Light House Children’s Home is named appropriately, as it is a beacon of hope, a light at the end of the tunnel for children who are so deserving.

What do you love the most about it?
The children of course! Kind, generous, loving and talented….these are the four words that best describe the incredible kids that live at The Light House Children’s Home. I am so very blessed to know them and I miss them all!
How can someone get involved or donate?
These kids can use supplies for school and home, money for the facility and notes and letters from uplifting people. Please visit http://www.debbie-sherman.com/wp/charity-light-house/ to learn more about this amazing orphanage and to donate! We are so blessed, let us all use our gifts and talents to bless others.
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
The holidays are a wonderful time to give and many people feel compelled and want to donate during the holidays, but let us not forget that these children and organizations are here year round. We must remember that people need our help throughout the year and not just at the holidays. So, I challenge everyone to make it their new year’s resolution to give all year long; give of your time, your talents and your treasures. Sending love and blessings to everyone who is reading and wishing you the warmth and joy that comes with giving.
Connect with Debbie:
Web: http://www.debbie-sherman.com/wp/loving-people-mobile/
Visit the Charities:
Compassion PT: http://compassionpt.org/
Cherish Ministries: https://www.cherishministry.org/
The Light House Children’s Home: http://www.thelighthousechildren.org/