Hi, Lovina! Thank you for granting the interview. Congrats on your role as Junkie Jane in the hot Netflix film “Polar.” What should the audience expect to see?
Hey! Thanks for having me again and thank you. The movie is about a retired assassin being hunted by a younger group of assassins, so expect to see A LOT of violence, gore, and boobies.
Tell us about Junkie Jane. Who is she? What is her personality like?
Jane is a strung out and laid back chick that works for an agency for assassins. She’s kind of a neutral character within the chaos, even though she chills with the “bad guys”.

What role does Junkie Jane play in the film?
Without giving anything away, She is supposed to be a lookout for the younger assassin team but instead shoots up while on duty. She’s always high as a kite so its easy to get information out of her.
Was it a challenge to play Junkie Jane?
Kind of, it was difficult acting strung out when I’m completely sober. I wanted my performance to be as authentic as possible, so I watched A LOT of addiction documentaries and movies. My scenes were also filmed during winter in Canada, and my character only wears lingerie, So I was cold as hell.

How did you get the role?
My agent sent me the audition, I prepped with my coach – Michael Gordon Shore (he’s amazing I use him for every role), and I went in person and did it. I didn’t hear back for over a month and figured I didn’t get it. It wasn’t until late December that I was contacted. I was asked for a second audition, this time in front of the director. I went and met him while holding my sides, he told me to put them away because the role was already mine, and had been for a while. They were just behind schedule contacting everyone. The callback was for actors he already picked and wanted to personally meet before filming. I was in shock and giddy as hell.
The subject matter of the series is heartfelt. How does this assassin film bring something new to assassin stories?
There’s a lot of bold high contrast colors and unique aesthetics. The characters all have their own distinct styles that are very reminiscent of comic book villains. I loved the makeup and fashion choices. There’s also a lot of violence, gore, and dark humor compared to other assassin films I’ve seen. Even though viewers never get to know much about the main protagonist Duncan, there’s a couple of scenes in the film that just make you adore him, regardless of his questionable past.
What is going to surprise people about Junkie Jane?
She’s very generous with her party favors.
Without giving anything away, what’s your favorite line of dialogue and why?
“What the fuck do I know?” There’s no reason, I just love swearing.

When looking back on the production, what resonated with you the most and why?
When we were filming my scenes in Castle Loma. I was sitting on a couch with Vanessa Hudgens, Mads Mikkelsen, and Jonas Akerlund discussing the scene while props were prepping my characters heroine needles. I remember briefly snapping out of work mode and thinking, “holy shit I’m sitting in a room with a bunch of established industry people, I’ve tricked them all into thinking I’m one of them”. It was surreal but also felt oddly normal.
In your opinion, what scene in the series is going to blow people away and why?
Graphic torture scenes
What do you enjoy most about your character and role?
She’s laidback and hangouts with a bunch of assassins.

Do you have anything else you would like to share about the film?
The film is based off an ongoing Dark Horse comic series by Victor Santos titled Polar: It Came From the Cold. There are currently 4 volumes out. The comic originally had no dialogue.
You’re also starring as the 2019 film SHAZAM! You’re playing a store clerk and you wear the name tag “Noel.” Explain the name tag.

Yeaaa! I’m so excited. I think the name tag was just meant to be an easter egg since the film is set during the Christmas Holidays.SHAZAM first appearance was in Whiz Comics #2 (February 1940). That’s over seven decades the character has existed! Wow! Amazing! Did you find it intimidating starring in such an iconic film?
I actually had no idea I was in Shazam until I was on set. The production was insanely secretive about the project, it was being cast under a codename. When I went for the wardrobe fitting a couple people told me it was a DC movie. I didn’t think anything of it until I was on set with Zachary Levi and I saw his costume. I lost my shit, I fangirled sooo hard. His costume looked so cool in person, he was like a real-life action figure. The cast and crew were so chill to work with that I didn’t feel nervous at all. They were all very welcoming. The director David Sandberg is such a nice dude and was a pleasure to collaborate with considering how much pressure he must have been under.
What role do you play in the film?
Unimpressed store clerk aka myself according to my friends. (THANKS GUYS)
Without giving anything away, what surprises are in store for the fans of SHAZAM?
Go in without the usual DC movie expectations.

Are you attending any comic conventions in 2019 to support your acting and future projects?
Well, for some reason I gained some popularity in Brazil from my scenes in the trailer. A bunch of people is asking me to attend Brazil Comic Con in December. I would hands down go if I was asked, but I honestly don’t feel like I deserve this attention. I will, however, be attending Fanexpo and Anime North this year in Toronto as usual. I’m a fashion designer too and I have a partnership with a nerdy streetwear clothing company called Pink City. I’ve designed a couple of jackets with them that we sell at local conventions. Right now my Akira jackets are on their site. I plan to drop some more pieces this year as well that is Gundam and Yugioh themed.

You are also going to play a telekinetic superhero! WOW! That’s super cool! It’s a television series called the “The Boys.” What can you tell us about your character and role?
Yaaaaaa! Its based off a sweet comic series from 2006-2009 by Garth Ennis (Preacher, Constantine ) and Darick Robertson (Transmetropolitan). I have a very tiny role in the first episode, the name of my character gives it away.
Where can fans tune in to watch it?
It’ll be available on Amazon Prime.
Do you have anything else you would like to share about your career?
Like I briefly mentioned earlier, I’m also a fashion designer. You can find my work here http://www.lovinayavari.com/fashion-design-%E6%B5%81%E5%84%80/. I plan to launch my own line hopefully later this year. I’m also a model, I art direct and style all my photo shoots, they are heavily inspired by my favorite comics, sci-fi films, and anime. You can follow all my work on Instagram @lovinayavari.