The 85-year-old’s experience with the disease and his alternative journey prompted him to write Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach. We had an amazing opportunity to speak with Carl about his journey. Check out the interview below.
Hi, Carl! Thank you for granting the interview. We’re excited to chat with you about your journey. 43 years ago you were given six months to live. You turned down the traditional path of chemotherapy and surgery. Instead, you chose all-natural interventions. You’re also the world’s longest lung cancer survivor. Amazing! Tell us what you chose the holistic path.
I volunteered during the summers as the nurse for the Edgar Cayce Summer Camp in the western part of Virginia for a few years beginning in 1970 and thereafter, used Cayce holistic interventions with clients when needed… At the same time, I was part of a Cayce Search for God group and learned to meditate daily and to include spirituality in my life. When I was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1974 I remembered the pain and suffering of patients in my care who received traditional treatment over the past years. In addition, when the doctor said surgery and chemotherapy would give me 6 months to live I decided I did not want that discomfort for my last 6 months of life. A friend offered to help me apply the Cayce concepts of holism and also referred me to a doctor who prescribed alternative treatments. Thus, It seemed natural to follow an alternative holistic treatment plan despite doubts by my family, colleagues, and doctor.
Have your experiences inspired you to write your book, Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach?
Like many cancer survivors, I developed a passion to help others overcome cancer without harmful side effects. For many years after recovery and while continuing my career in academia I talked with students about alternative holistic ways to deal with cancer and other diseases and also applied these interventions in my own life. After I retired I continued these activities with neighbors and anyone I met who would listen. In order to reach more people, I began hosting a radio show on holistic health 10 years ago with an emphasis on all diseases but especially cancer. I then wrote a book about my lung cancer experience, founded a cancer foundation, and wrote Reducing Your Cancer Risk as a way to inform the public about simple ways to reduce their cancer risk, to make some money for my cancer foundation that receives all money from book sales, and to make the public aware of information on my cancer foundation website.
Being diagnosed with a terminal illness can have a detrimental effect on your mental health. Tell us how you were able to combat depression and stay positive.
My diagnosis was a result of a dream telling me to go for a chest x-ray and I believe this is one way God speaks to us if we listen. Thus, there was comfort in believing God was with me and looking over me. In addition, because there was no pain I continued teaching and working with students, writing and doing research. This kept me very busy and I had little time to think about myself. I have since learned that helping others takes your mind off yourself and is a healing intervention that I call helping others and that helps keep us healthy because of the joy of helping and caring for others. In addition, the emotional support of others, daily meditation, and other mental/spiritual interventions all helped keep me positive.
Many can benefit from your book. It is said that we all carry cancer genes. It’s best to eat healthy to keep cancer dormant. What are your thoughts on this?
Of all physical activities in my protocol for overcoming cancer nutrition and exercise were two of the most important. Research now shows that nutrition can reduce your risk of cancer by 35% and exercise by 50%. When diagnosed I consulted an alternative doctor who prescribed the physical interventions and nutrition was an important one. He placed me on a vegan diet with 75% raw fruit and vegetables with some addition cooked ones. This was in the days before juicing so there were lots of salads for me. In addition, I could have all nuts, except peanuts that are high in protein, and some whole grains. Again, this was before genetically modified organisms, pesticides, growth hormones and other pollutant but today I would recommend organic. GMO, pesticide and growth hormone free food to avoid cancer. Eating healthy also includes supplements and vitamins such as vitamin A that prevents precancerous cells from converting to cancer cells and turmeric that does the same and also prevents cancer in animal studies. Good nutrition also includes anti-inflammatory foods and antioxidants. Some doctors believe that avoiding inflammation will reduce or eliminate diseases and it is known that antioxidants help balance free radicals given off in waste products from cells and that causes inflammation and can be a precursor to diseases such as cancer. Although the body provides some antioxidants it is not possible to keep up with needs in our current environment.
One last thing I have learned about nutrition from experts I have interviewed on my radio show and that is that a vegan diet is used as a preventive and treatment for many health issues including cancer, cardiac problems, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis and others.
Is there a particular chapter in your book that people should particularly pay attention to?
Although all chapters are important for those wishing to reduce their chances of getting cancer, my favorite chapter is the one on mental/spiritual interventions because those are the interventions most often ignored in a treatment plan. Although they do not kill cancer cells they offer supportive help in recovery. For example, did you know that forgiveness is common in 60% of all cancer patients and 50% have severe issues with forgiveness? And failure to forgive increase anxiety that influences the production of killer cells so the body is less prepared to fight disease. Or that patients who forgive have better immune systems than those who do not. This is one example of the many benefits of mental/spiritual interventions.
Thus far, what has been the best experience in being a long-time survivor?
The best experience of being a long time survivor is the joy I receive from being contacted by and later receiving feedback from others who are free of pain as a result of information provided, hearing from patients connected with competent alternative doctors after discussions, or seeing survivors overcome cancer using alternative, holistic interventions. It is an honor to be one of the channels for God’s healing.
What advice can you give to anyone who chooses to use chemotherapy?
Although I am partial to alternative holistic cancer treatment I support any decision a patient makes about treatment. I only want to make sure that patients have all of the information needed to make a decision that is right for them. There is empowerment in making a decision about cancer treatment and that should be supported. However, I would want to be sure that patients choosing chemotherapy are aware of side effects beforehand and know ways to reduce these side effects. Pain, hair loss, mouth sores, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and others can all be and should be reduced in severity. In addition, patients using chemo should attend a detox program after all chemotherapy treatments are complete to rid the body of this toxic chemical and help reduce the chances of a recurrence.
Who should read your book?
The book is for anyone of any age who is interested in decreasing their probability of having cancer. Current risk rates are 1 or every 2 people in the United States will have cancer in their lifetime and this can occur at any age.
Complete this sentence, if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do just what I am doing helping others remain healthy and active for as long as they can. I believe God saved my life after cancer to offer encouragement and assistance to others as long as I am physically/mentally able. ___________.
Is there a special message you would like to share with those battling cancer?
There is always hope despite what your well-meaning doctor may tell you and the decisions about your life are yours. Ask your doctor for all of the information you need to make decisions about care and collect as many health care helpers you need to implement the plan but you should remain the Captain of the Team who makes the major decisions,
Thank you for taking the time to speak with us about your book, Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach. We appreciate your time and knowledge.
Purchase: Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach
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