March 21, 2025
Doomsday After Midnight

We had a wonderful opportunity to chat with Anthony Crowley about his latest projects. Check out the interview below.

Hi, Anthony! Thank you for chatting with us. What attracted you to writing dark prose and poetry?

You’re very welcome. Writing and creating as always been a part of me all of my life. The dark style of writing initially became an inspiration from watching the horror classics of Hammer, Amicus and Universal. I must have been about six years old.

What inspired the book Doomsday After Midnight?

The book Is a collection of individual dark themes and characters. Each of the thirteen stories has its own inspiration. For example, Dark Meadow is about an evil gnome seeking rampage on a family. If you like Child’s Play stories then you’ll like it. I went grocery shopping and I saw this four-foot standing garden gnome and I thought to myself that maybe this would work into a story idea. I can’t give much away but as for the title of the book, it was just a random thought I had that I knew would work and be attentive to the reader. The book cover image which was taken by Lauren Carroll (Whitesnake’s tour photographer that year). I approached the Whitesnake team and then they gave me the details for Lauren and she was happy for me to use her image as the book cover artwork. I was honored by that.

What can readers expect?Libro De Lumine

It will be a page turner of various plots and twists of horror. Ghosts, Zombies, Witches, Evil Gnomes, Serial Killers. There is something in the book which will appeal to everyone. Doomsday After Midnight also includes a recently published industrial horror/science fiction themed story, titled The Looking Glass. The story was featured in the Whirling World anthology published by Tickety Boo/Spectral Press.

We often hear writer’s that undergo writer’s block. Do you experience this?

Luckily, I have never experienced writer’s block. Ideas flow all of the time.

Let’s horror. Do you feel the best stories have some base of truth?

Everything I write about, whether horror, historical, social science, I always try not to make everything seem fictional. I think if you do include some reality then it gives the idea something that a reader can relate to in some way.

What types of characters do you use the most for your stories?

I never have a limit. I like to develop my characters that cover a whole spectrum of personalities, lifestyles, etc.  I think as a writer it is rewarding to let the creative mind wander in different directions and techniques. 

Thus far, what has been the best experience working in the industry?

Every experience as its own positive side but I suppose when I released my last two works, titled Libro de Lumine and Stripped Verses. Libro de Lumine was a turning point from the direct horror verses. Expect drama, criticism and dark philosophy. Libro de Lumine means in English, The Book of the Light. When people speak of the word light it could mean a new beginning or death. The book itself is a journey through the beginnings of life and through death and the speculations beyond the afterlife.  Stripped Verses was themed around naturism and body positivity. I have been a naturist for the majority of my life and I have always wanted to write about naturism and nude living. Stripped Verses is one of the most honest works of literature I’ve created so far. I also wanted to show readers and the general public about living clothes free. Escaping the artificial conditions in today’s world such as media and clothes. Oscar Wilde once said, “If We Were Meant To Be Nude, We Would Have Been Born That Way”.  That is the same philosophy I’ve always felt.  I’ve won several awards for literature, mainly poetry but when I won the Clothes Free Life Poetry contest with the most votes for my verse, Solar Angel, it was a special moment because this was me, about me and I also knew at that moment that the stigma which I once had from the horror genre made me feel like I can now write about any subject or genre. That was one of the special highlights of my writing career.

Stripped Versus

What do you like to do between writing?

I campaign for naturism rights on a weekly basis and I’m about to start a new workshop called Nu-Volution in which I will teach the general public the philosophy of naturism and how they can make their lives more positive and happier while gaining self-confidence. I also enjoy cooking, especially Italian and Indian food. 

Do you have any upcoming projects that we haven’t mentioned?

In the coming weeks, I shall be releasing another poetry collection to be titled Battle Hymns, which is about some of the most legendary battles and their leaders. It will also be themed around the after effects of war. I recently did a readers poll and I asked my fans to chose my next story book release. In the list included BeautEVIL, The Sun Dancers, The Shadow Experiment and Among The Living. The readers had chosen The Sun Dancers. The Sun Dancers will be my first naturism, drama themed story. I won’t give too much away but the two main characters are located in two different parts of the world while living under conservative conditions. Without knowing each other they both arrive at this same location, a location of self-discovery and eventually they fall in love. Next year, I shall continue my book series, titled Sorcero which is a Roman dark fantasy series. Sorcero book one will be available at some point next year. My next releases will be Battle Hymns followed by The Sun Dancers.

Complete this sentence, if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do ___________.

There is so much I could express. I would say that humanity should take care of the planet and the environment. Human rights should be for every race, sexuality, religion, and lifestyle. I would like to wake up one morning and not feel threatened or feared from my natural human right to not wear clothes. All of us deserve respect acceptance. Basically, the world would wake up!

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