Thank you for granting the interview, Michael! Congrats on DON’T LET FEAR PARALYZE YOU! – A Guide To Your Own Personal Freedom Top 100 ranking on Amazon.com. Tell us about your reaction when you first heard the awesome news.
My Pleasure!
When I first received the news, I was completely elated with joy! When you’re a first-time author, any news is good news. The book actually ranked #40 on Amazon and I couldn’t be happier!
What inspired the book?
Writing the book helped me face my own fears to overcome the many things that were impeding me from moving forward in life. It all started with re-connecting with my father, taking control of my finances, re-evaluating my career objectives, examining my friendships, getting centered in my romantic life and last but not least my spiritual self. May seem like a lot, but it had to be done. We’re all busy in life but they’re some things that can no longer be ignored or pushed to the waste side. When I realized that fear was the root of my paralyzation, I had to take charge and manifest the necessary changes.
What can readers expect from the book?
The book is meant to empower. It celebrates all people and gives them a sense of hope when faced with obstacles. Don’t Let Fear Paralyze You! has a lot of interactive questions and helps the reader reflect on making the right changes for his or herself. The cover picture of the book says it all ” Go after the things in life that best suits you!”
What do you enjoy most writing DON’T LET FEAR PARALYZE YOU! – A Guide to Your Own Personal Freedom?
I didn’t realize the process would be as cathartic as it was. At first, I had many doubts (fears) about the book and constantly questioned whether I should release the book or not. Once I set myself free from the fears, I realized that the book isn’t about me, it’s about helping other people. When that shift took place, then the writing became almost mandatory. Simply amazing!
You’re also a producer, director, singer, actor, and choreographer. Did this have an influence on your writing?
My life, in a nutshell, is sometimes unbelievable and I still can’t believe I’ve been fortunate enough to wear as many hats as I have. But yes, it would almost be impossible to disconnect from the various jobs I’ve had in life from writing the book. Just to be clear, this book isn’t meant solely for artists, it’s meant for anyone ready to make a shift and change. I just happen to be in one of the hardest professions in the world, that forced me to look at myself in the mirror and “disconnect” from my industry. No matter what hat we wear in life, we’re all connected.
What are your expectations for DON’T LET FEAR PARALYZE YOU!?
If the book can support as little as one person, then I’m happy. But my dream is to get the book into as many hands possible. The political climate in the world right now isn’t great and we all need to stand up. I’m a strong believer that if we start to reshape the things going on inside us, then we can definitely communicate and stand up for the important things in life.
If someone has a message or dream burning inside them, Don’t Let Fear Paralyze you! helps the reader slay the demons inside their head and take control of their lives.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I’m constantly working or creating something new. I’m seriously in love with what I do and always excited about the next thing. It’s my passion! What can I say!
But generally, I love to do yoga, a good workout in the gym, meditate, watch films, go to the theatre and attend cultural festivals. Oh ya, and I’ll occasionally check out a game!
Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?
My book tour officially started on November 11, 2017 (Remembrance Day) and will continue into the new year. I’m truly excited about the journey of the book and will definitely post upcoming events, interviews through my social media. For more information, please visit www.michaelchallenger.com or you can find me on Facebook/Instagram @michaelchallenger – ANU Entertainment or my Twitter feed @challengerm.
Final message: Don’t waste any more time and MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Thanks, guys!