Utopia Media, the film distribution company whose titles include the official Sundance 2020 selection...
David Emmanuel Noel
David Emmanuel Noel is an avid blogger, film fanatic, art enthusiast, music lover, and theatergoer. He is an interdisciplinary artist, curator, and PR consultant who has been involved in several music events and visual art exhibitions at venues such as the Kennedy Center Washington DC, Bernie Grant Arts Centre London, the Landmark Arts Building New York, and Whole 9 Gallery in Culver City, California. He has worked closely with institutes, professional bodies, and agencies such as the Royal Institute of British Architects, New York Mayor's Office, CAMBA- the New York-based agency, the NSPCC, and several London Boroughs on projects supporting the environmental and therapeutic benefits of the arts. He is based in London and New York.
The Caribbean Fine Art Fair celebrates the important contribution of Caribbean visual artists and...
It has been reported that the Oscar and Turner prize-winning director Steve McQueen began...
Vancouver born Sandy Sidhu is a fast-rising star who found her passion for performing...
Megs Calleja is a writer, actor, and children’s drama teacher based in Vancouver, Canada....
AJAY is a young musician worth taking time to listen to. The 23-year-old singer,...
Occhi Magazine is once again happy to feature visual artist Marisa Rheem. Marisa’s latest...
Abe Odedina has always painted from life, in more ways than one. His first...
Ray Whelan is an award-winning Irish actor who won The Jury Prize award for...
Bill Nicoletti has over 75 national awards for excellence in film and television production...