Set in the Netherlands during the Second World War, ‘Shattered’ tells the story of...
David Emmanuel Noel
David Emmanuel Noel is an avid blogger, film fanatic, art enthusiast, music lover, and theatergoer. He is an interdisciplinary artist, curator, and PR consultant who has been involved in several music events and visual art exhibitions at venues such as the Kennedy Center Washington DC, Bernie Grant Arts Centre London, the Landmark Arts Building New York, and Whole 9 Gallery in Culver City, California. He has worked closely with institutes, professional bodies, and agencies such as the Royal Institute of British Architects, New York Mayor's Office, CAMBA- the New York-based agency, the NSPCC, and several London Boroughs on projects supporting the environmental and therapeutic benefits of the arts. He is based in London and New York.
Aberdeen born artist Emily Moore has garnered a series of awards and accolades for...
My first impression of REWA’s art is its bright, harmonious, intense, and rich nature....
Oakland, CA-based artist Jessica Hess is a hyperreal landscape painter. Her depictions of the...
Ugandan Artist Denis Mubiru provides a powerful blend of force, flavor, and prominence in...
Oakland-based painter Marisa Rheem’s work can be summed up as refreshing, vibrant, and full...
Nomen is a self-taught visual artist and pioneer of graffiti art in Portugal. From...
For Country/Pop artist Abigail Neilson, the heart and soul of music is rooted in...
Ghada Amer is an Egyptian painter, sculptor, and installation artist whose work addresses the...
Julia Benz is a Berlin-based painter bringing brilliant color and vibrancy to the...