‘Suburban Steps to Rockland’ is a great documentary film that comprehensively tells the story...
David Emmanuel Noel
David Emmanuel Noel is an avid blogger, film fanatic, art enthusiast, music lover, and theatergoer. He is an interdisciplinary artist, curator, and PR consultant who has been involved in several music events and visual art exhibitions at venues such as the Kennedy Center Washington DC, Bernie Grant Arts Centre London, the Landmark Arts Building New York, and Whole 9 Gallery in Culver City, California. He has worked closely with institutes, professional bodies, and agencies such as the Royal Institute of British Architects, New York Mayor's Office, CAMBA- the New York-based agency, the NSPCC, and several London Boroughs on projects supporting the environmental and therapeutic benefits of the arts. He is based in London and New York.
A Brave Hope is showing on March 15th at the FirstGlance Film Festival, LA....
After more than 12 years as a recording artist, Jackiem Joyner continues to stand...
The actor Adrian Dev gained a recurring role in HBO’s Westworld that shifted his...
Kate Drummond is an award-winning and highly sought-after actor whose diverse work experience includes...
Jennifer Sharp’s UNA GREAT FILM screens at the Pan African Film & Arts Festival...
Hanton Films is an independent entertainment production company founded in 2012 with a strong...
Katie Taylor was a Los Angeles casting director. She has worked on several major...
Toronto born and raised Zahra Bentham is a rising star in film and television....
Rob Ayling is an award-winning writer & director we’ve had the pleasure of featuring...