Leo Vann continues to push artistic boundaries with his latest offering “The Game,” further...
Erica Hall
A Canadian. An art, music and film enthusiast, who loves her life and particularly the creative people in it! Glad to be working with a talented and creative group of artists at Occhi.
Michael is an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and co-founder of Mixed Nuts Productions, based in...
Everything about singer-songwriter Nathan Ball feels natural and effortless. With a calming presence, his...
Ewan Wood is a fast-rising British-born Canadian actor who began his journey in Ottawa,...
RiTcH, an upcoming artist captivating audiences with his fourth single, “Emotional”. RiTcH loves to...
Elysia Rotaru’s acting career includes appearances in several popular television programs such as Eureka,...
Tomohiro Mori is a drummer, composer, and educator who was born in Fukuoka, Japan...
Sergeant Thunderhoof was formed in 2013 by sheer accident. Each member had previously worked...
After an exciting year of live performances, Gilda House is excited to announce a...
Peter Curtis is a guitarist and composer with a history of performing or recording...