David Jacobson and the Space Wizards is the project of David Jacobson, who lives...
Erica Hall
A Canadian. An art, music and film enthusiast, who loves her life and particularly the creative people in it! Glad to be working with a talented and creative group of artists at Occhi.
Walid Chaya is a Middle Eastern actor, director, and writer based in Los Angeles....
Occhi Arts and Entertainment is supporting The Ealing Club CIC, a non-profit organization, in...
Born in Sydney, Australia, and spending most of her life surrounded by music, Jane...
Stephanie Izsak is an award-winning actor, writer, and director with over 20 years of...
Cal in Red is an indie pop/rock project started by brothers Connor and Kendall...
Ace of Wands is a Dream Rock band from Toronto, formed around Lee Rose...
Aaliyah Cinello is a fast-rising actor and singer from Toronto, Canada. She began her...
Jonathan Neil Alexander started working in theatre at eight years old. As a teen,...
The brand new streaming service platform onVIVA.tv launched this September, and features CANCOM Comedy...