The Windrush Caribbean Film Festival (WCCF) seeks to engage and educate audiences across the...
Erica Hall
A Canadian. An art, music and film enthusiast, who loves her life and particularly the creative people in it! Glad to be working with a talented and creative group of artists at Occhi.
Cherry Lena is an alternative Pop R&B singer-songwriter from Montreal, Canada. Having first captured...
Bree Jaxson is an independent American country music singer and songwriter from Baltimore, MD,...
Megan Knight is a soulful and steadfast country-alternative singer-songwriter from Williamstown, NJ. Knight began...
Singer-Songwriter Jenn Nucum’s song ‘Get Better’ a song inspired by isolation and loneliness, caused...
Grammy-nominated Curt Chambers is an American singer, songwriter, producer, and recording artist who has...
Singer/songwriter Anne Wilson knows the healing power of music. The lyrics of Hillsong Worship’s...
The British-born Barbados-raised saxophonist and clarinetist Shabaka Hutchings is the centrifugal force in three...
Uncork’d Entertainment has acquired the horror anthology ‘Tales From the Other Side’ featuring genre staples...
Elise Hayes garnered attention after several of her songs featured on TV shows, such...