FireBug, the renowned duo hailing from Joshua Tree, California, has enraptured audiences worldwide with...
Erica Hall
A Canadian. An art, music and film enthusiast, who loves her life and particularly the creative people in it! Glad to be working with a talented and creative group of artists at Occhi.
Nashon is a singer, songwriter, and storyteller with a unique artistic vision. His music...
Sister Envy hails from the North Wales coast, a place of mystery, harshness, and...
In a world where fleeting celebrities and short-lived trends dominate, Avery Sharpe serves as...
The talented artist Natalie Shay is back with a new single titled “All The...
Hutchings, from London, spent his childhood in Barbados. He learned clarinet at age nine,...
Warburton, an indie artist from Toronto, has released their debut EP titled “Sad Songs...
Patrick Hakeem is a talented comedian from the bustling city of Montreal. He has...
Brett Matthews, who is known for his thoughtfully touching compositions, released his second single,...
Acclaimed jazz singer, songwriter, and interpreter, Madeleine Peyroux, is all set to release her...