In 2018, singer-songwriter Jeremy Voltz took a chance on a stranger. Oliver Charles, an...
Erica Hall
A Canadian. An art, music and film enthusiast, who loves her life and particularly the creative people in it! Glad to be working with a talented and creative group of artists at Occhi.
Brandee Younger has broken new ground for harpists over the entirety of her career....
Incorporating power-pop and indie-rock, Charley Horse is a band formed in 2022 and based...
Shaneen Bonner is a two-time Grammy considered, award-winning, Billboard charting artist, author, and record...
Playing With Fire may refer to the energy oozing from any member of the...
Whilst growing up, moving from home was a regular occurrence for the singer-songwriter Sandrayati....
Brooklyn-born Pianist Richie Beirach and German saxophonist Reiner Witzel have formed a friendship over...
When someone is annoying you, it helps to blast something angry. Singer-songwriter bludnymph encourages...
Rakhee Morzaria is a comedian and actress who stars on the hit CBC comedy...
Kira Nelson is an Australian actress gaining recognition for her role in the short...