Written and directed by Gary Jones, Assault from Death Block 13 stars Charles Bronson...
Richard 'The Bugs' Bugden
DC Based opinionated actor, writer, and teacher, with a passion for all things creative. Loves music, movies, and minestrone! In fact, almost every type of food from my ancestral homeland!
Rui Huang is an animation director and digital designer based in Los Angeles. A...
Maya Bastian’s captivating film Tigress is set to screen at the 2021 Reel Asian...
The Vancouver International Film Festival is set to begin on October 1st, 2021, and...
The marketing strapline for the movie is ‘The Fly meets Tremors in this year’s...
1091 Pictures is pleased to announce that What She Said, A “kitchen sink family...
In 2014 director Richard Linklater released the Oscar-winning Boyhood – a fictional saga of...
One of the most notorious outlaw gangs of the 19th century, the Dalton...