Silent Raven Films present Visher, a found footage thriller written and directed by Isaac...
Richard 'The Bugs' Bugden
DC Based opinionated actor, writer, and teacher, with a passion for all things creative. Loves music, movies, and minestrone! In fact, almost every type of food from my ancestral homeland!
The Movie Partnership recently announced the forthcoming digital release of the crime thriller DarkGame, starring...
This is the first feature film directed by Joanne Mitchell. It premiered at this...
Megan Peta Hill is an Australian-born, award-winning, and Leo-nominated actor who has trained and...
Buffalo 8 is honored to launch their fall genre slate with Daniele Campea’s psychological...
Kaleidoscope Entertainment is excited to announce that the Scottish thriller ‘KILL’ will be released...
Michael O’Brien’s “Don’t Turn Your Back On Friday Night” brilliantly explores the life and career of...
Freestyle Digital Media & Producer Lucas A. Ferrara have shared the trailer for the...
Director Harley Wallen’s “Finding Nicole” tells the story of Nicole Beverly escaping a life-threatening domestic abuse...
Deadly Dealings is a stylish, blood-soaked horror, arriving On Digital and On Demand this...