January 10, 2025
Dale - Main Profile

We had the awesome opportunity to speak with DJ Dale Play. Check out the interview below.

Hi, Jesus! Thank you for granting the interview. Congrats on an outstanding career. You inspire so many with your music. Music is universal. It speaks to people. In your opinion, what does the music say to you?

Amen, Gracias for having me. Music whispers closely to my ears every day… ‘Daleplay press the play’

You manage to overcome a disability to achieve your dreams. We can imagine you faced many challenges, but you didn’t allow it to stop you. How were you able to persevere, keep going, and make a way?

I didn’t overcome my disability to achieve a dream, back then there was no dream only two choices – be a victim or a fighter. I chose to fight.

I gave myself no room for excuses, I had to get back on my feet and music was a way for me to get my brain back to ‘on’ again. I love life and I can’t be satisfied by only being ‘alive’ I want to ‘thrive alive ‘ if that makes sense? Comprende?

What role you want to play in the music industry?

I want to create music and recreate music with whatever we might call new under this old fat yellow sun shining above us (Damn I’m poetic today).

You have achieved so much. Is there anything you desire to accomplish in your career?

Hell, yeah, I want to accomplish many things musically but mostly I am focused on enjoying the journey that I’ve been on so far. I enjoy step by step of everything and I hope one day my story can be useful for some kid in a bedroom listening to some music and wondering on how that was put together. Ah, before I forget… I want that shhmoney too and the private jets, and the big festivals, and the free food famous people get to have everywhere they go so I heard! Jajaja

Dale - Main ProfileHow can an aspiring DJ make it in today’s industry?

You tell me! I am on the process of figuring it out each day. The game is always changing, either you move your hips like hips don’t lie or you do the Gangnam style… I believe people want to be more than just listeners now, they want to belong with you, they want to be part of your journey, they want to go to your house and have tea parties, cook pasta or bake a cake! Music is not enough anymore, you got to marry your audience and make them your family.

As previously mentioned, music resonates with so many people. How does your production bring something new to the music industry?

I wouldn’t dare to say I bring something “new” to the industry but I believe each one of us is a unique piece in this big pie (I want a pie now). What I mean is, I am doing me and that resonates on my sound. I am bringing my identity into my sound and my production is based on freedom of experimenting with unknown sounds to me and fresh influences like ‘Brazilian funk’ for an example. I found that wave and I loved it, so I messed with it and… ‘El Anillo’ came about.

What is going to surprise people about you?

Well, if I tell you that, it wouldn’t be a surprise! Comprende? Look out for DalePlay and you are going to be surprised!

What type of artist do you like to work with?

I appreciate a real one. Someone who is true to their sauce, who knows what they want and who enjoys the freedom of mind throughout the creative process. Me encantasssss!!!

When looking back on your music productions, what resonated with you the most and why?

The drums, the kicks, the snares. My ears get needy and greedy over one particular sound and it won’t leave me alone until I find it. It’s just like looking for a good Chinese restaurant in Chinatown in London, you just need to keep looking for that one place until you finally find that one and you just found heaven (I got lost and went to some Italian instead) but anyway, you get the point!

In your opinion, what type of events are the best to spin at and why?

Dinner event, lunch event, Whole Foods events … Anywhere that there is food and people I spin it lol!

I like people though and I love being in direct contact with my audience and a nice old house party still gives you the answer! If you can make them jump around and burn the house down then you can bring down a whole festival!

What do you enjoy most about your career?

I have fun with what I do, I love what I do and that is what keeps my career enjoyable along the way. I love every bit of it!

Do you have anything else you would like to share about your career?

Hey, my single is coming up very soon this year and I am looking forward to sharing with you all! Go ahead and connect with me Instagram and Twitter @djdaleplay.

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