Production has begun on The Island Between Tides in Prince Rupert, BC. The supernatural thriller...
Born into the vibrant and cultural streets of Toronto, Canada, Al McFoster was born...
Joss Jaffe is a vocalist, tabla player, multi-instrumentalist, composer, and record producer. He is...
As a member of a musical family, New York-based guitarist Aleksi Glick has been...
Donovan Cole has learned the significance of pushing the envelope to create eye-catching works...
Nadine Whiteman Roden is a Canadian actress and singer based in Toronto, Canada. Nadine...
Shawn Ahmed is an award-winning actor and creator based out of Toronto whose lifelong...
Occhi Arts and Entertainment is proud to officially support and participate in this year’s...
The renowned annual Caribbean Fine Art Fair (CaFA) returns virtually and in-person to Barbados...
Stefano is a singer, songwriter, and piano virtuoso. From Soveria Mannelli, Italy. Classically trained...