Inspired by the Extraordinary Life and Times of Mr. Ulric Cross, Frances-Anne Solomon’s award-winning...
Critically acclaimed and innovative virtuoso Anders Hagberg is a unique soloist on a variety...
Originally hailing from Wisconsin, NAACP award-winning actress Talia Jackson, moved to Santa Barbara at...
Well, we can’t get enough of Santi Debriano at Occhi Magazine! Santi Debriano has...
On March 1st, 2021, the light shone a little less bright as the great...
If there were ever an artist who embodies the word “alive” it would no...
Montreal-based singer-songwriter MAGELLA. Influenced by jazz singers such as Nina Simone and Billie Holiday,...
Ana de Lara’s Award-Winning Film ‘Good Girls Don’t’ Forms Part of CBC’s Canadian Reflections Program
Ana de Lara’s Award-Winning Film ‘Good Girls Don’t’ Forms Part of CBC’s Canadian Reflections Program
Lily Pictures and Ana de Lara Films announced the national debut of Filipina-Canadian Director...
Julia Biel is an award-winning original – singer, songwriter, piano player, producer, and guitarist...
Following his Latin Grammy nomination, in the category “Best Long Form Music Video”, bassist,...