The highly acclaimed Jared Lee has been writing and producing for a diverse group...
John Scheinfeld is a critically- acclaimed documentary filmmaker with a broad range of subjects...
Charmaine Watkiss had over 20 years of experience working in digital design before becoming...
Deanna Devore is a Chicago and Toronto based multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, and producer. Her...
As the people slowly trickled into 55 Bar, most were met with a large...
The UK’s Penny Betts provides a uniquely smooth blend of indie-pop and sixties-style songwriting....
Hanton Films is an independent entertainment production company founded in 2012 with a strong...
Meira Blaustein is not only a filmmaker in her own right but also the...
Having been involved in the arts, mostly as a dancer and musician, since the...
Katie Taylor was a Los Angeles casting director. She has worked on several major...