Beam up one of the most exciting science-fiction adventures of the month, Beyond the...
New Sam Huntingon comedy “Second Nature”, directed and co-written by Michael Cross, will get...
Jessica Rose is a Toronto based actress, writer, and producer. She is the recipient...
Britt Rentschler is an Alabama native who graduated from The University of Alabama at...
Kimié’s parents, who are of Hawaiian and Portuguese descent, noticed her affinity for music...
Up and coming actor and filmmaker Erin Carter stars in the award-winning indie feature...
Toronto actor Ronnie Rowe Jr. stars in the highly-anticipated feature film Black Cop set...
Radek Lord was born in San José, Costa Rica. He began acting professionally at...
We had an opportunity to speak with Director Mykell Barlow on his latest project...
Carmelia Ray is an Author, Speaker, Television Personality, Celebrity Matchmaker and Canada’s most sought...