Acclaimed author, filmmaker, media trailblazer, and prominent storyteller L.A. Wade is set to captivate...
Documentary film ‘Immediate Family’ tracks the rise and collaborations of a group of legendary...
The feature film ‘Midnight At The Paradise’, by Toronto actor-turned-director Vanessa Matsui (The Handmaid’s...
Flat Head Films is pleased to announce that BC-based writer/director Laura Adkin’s feature film...
The slippery lines between friends, lovers, and partners threaten to trip up two couples—one...
Nu-Urban Image International Pictures (aka Kush Films), in association with Iyanola Pictures, proudly presents...
Independent film distribution company Breaking Glass Pictures has announced the release of “Candela” on...
Quentin Lee is a multimedia creator and has directed and produced over ten feature...
Born and raised in Chicago, Brian has always loved movies. He wrote his first...
A man engulfed in the suffocating grip of loss finds his life fragmented. Struggling...