Twist-fuelled horror film ‘Hell’s Half Acre’, will be released worldwide this April from Terror...
Writer-Director Shariff Nasr’s intimate, unique, and commanding exploration of a man who comes out...
Uncork’d Entertainment will release Brandon Slagle’s follow-up to the recent action hit Battle for...
The Horror Collective is excited to announce the North American theatrical and TVOD release of Summoning...
Liam Ma is an emerging actor and multidisciplinary artist born in Mississauga, Ontario. Currently...
We’re supporting the new streaming platform crowdfunding campaign and encourage you to support it...
He has worked in multiple production companies and on multiple productions including commercials, live...
From the producers of Anna and the Apocalypse comes a new unique found-footage movie...
Tobin Bell, star of the SAW franchise joins Scott Hamm Duenas (Evil at the...
Jayson Johnson earned an MA in film production from Eastern Illinois University and then...