The whodunit creature feature, ‘Beast Within’ is introduced by the narration of the main...
From writer/director David Bly, and starring Leah Rudick (“Maid to Order”), Casey Biggs (Star...
When Berlin’s prestigious Short Film Festival ended its seventh annual run on July 5th,...
Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) organizers are pleased to announce the eight Canadian directors...
The Mountain & The Maiden follows a day in the life of Aspiya, a...
The story of skateboarding is an interesting one and speaks to the creativity of...
Charlene Murray (Charlie to her friends) isn’t your average twenty-one year old. Inspired by...
Blind is the latest Horror movie from award-winning director Marcel Walz (Blood Feast). Faye,...
Ian Stout and Tiffany Groben star in Love in Dangerous Times, the latest film...
The Last Cry tells the story of Samantha, a physically and mentally abused woman,...