Ant-Man and the Wasp continue the story of Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), an everyday...
Living in coastal Columbia is a challenge. In the short film titled “Dulce,” knowing...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – June 21st, 2018 Easy V –New Web Series Season 1...
Prolific Pictures today announced that pre-production has begun on the new horror/fantasy THRESHOLD, an...
Dark Star Pictures has acquired all North American rights for punk-rock thriller The Icarus...
Admittedly, I watched this film with reservation because of the storyline. With the #metoo...
After spending four years living life as a single woman, I can tell you...
On June 6, 2018, Russell Crowe recently met up with his co-stars, such as...
“Love and Loss”, a collection of the five, highest-rated on Amazon short stories from...
Short Film, Success, Gender Flips the #METOO Movement Written and directed by newcomer Nigerian...