Picnik Entertainment & The Movie Partnership are excited to announce that their multi-award-winning film...
Erniel Baez is a rising actor from Cardenas, Cuba, now based in Montreal, Canada....
Bulldog Film Distribution presents the acclaimed British horror, The Moor. The film will be...
Flat Head Films recently announced that writer/director Laura Adkin’s feature film debut Re: Uniting will...
In an exciting turn for the UK independent film industry, the action-packed feature film,...
DeskPop Entertainment kicks off its summer slate with the North American VOD release of...
Noa DiBerto is a fast-rising star to watch. Hailing from Toronto, Canada, Noa is...
Dancing Village: The Curse Begins is a prequel to Kkn Di Desa Penari, which...
HaZimation is thrilled to announce the release of its latest animated action-thriller, “Max Beyond”....
Gender Equity in Media Society (GEMS) recently announced the five films selected for 2024...