Zachary Finnegan is a talented jazz trumpeter who hails from Chicago, IL. He gained...
Thomas is a German composer and orchestrator based in Los Angeles. We had the...
Check out the EP ‘Love’s Latest News’ from the New York-born and bred musician,...
Tobias Meinhart is an award-winning saxophonist and composer based in Brooklyn, New York. Born...
Alex Madeline is a saxophonist and composer who produces music that tells stories. He...
Earthquake Lights is a Brooklyn-based rock band that doesn’t quite fit into the alt-rock...
MONTE was formed by singer and lead guitarist, Caitlin Montclare in 2017, later adding...
Check out “Rooms With A View”, the title track of the upcoming album by...
Owen Marchildon has been releasing music for more than two decades, through projects such...
Acclaimed jazz singer, songwriter, and interpreter, Madeleine Peyroux, is all set to release her...