James McManus, known professionally as JAMES BLACK, emerges as a musical maverick at the...
Having moved between Dayton, Atlanta and the City of Angels, Twin Hector has a wealth of musical...
The New York music scene benefits from the talents of David Gibson. As a...
Skram is a Wellington, New Zealand-based band whose vibrant and energetic music provides an...
In modern dystopia, Amos Waits sifts through feelings of existential dread while taking the...
Dreamy Indie Alt. artist Heather Nation grounds her vivid and heartfelt lyrics with exploratory...
Built around the melodic and lyrically oblique songwriting of Irish-Persian musician Sam R., Glassio...
Cassie Kinoshi, the Mercury Prize-nominated (2019) and Ivors Academy Award-winning (2018) Berlin/London-based composer, arranger,...
Previously featured Dea Doyle is back. Her current single “One For Me” is about an unexpected...
Jenna DeVries was named as one of NSAI’s Songwriters To Watch. The artist is...