A crime thriller led by a diverse cast, ‘The Scrapper’ will be available to...
Memorist, named due to frontman Jon’s inability to forget, is a six-piece alternative metal...
Los Angeles-based artist, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Lani Renaldo artfully fuses a diverse mix of...
LA-based post-punk band Agender makes schizo, synthy, paranoid, post-punk with a dash of dysmorphic...
Through the original worlds that their music explores, LAIKIPIA has developed a distinct sound,...
Writer/director Marc Brenner’s new comedy The Rumperbutts, featuring “Blue Bloods” star Vanessa Ray and...
Star2 is an Asian-American singer, songwriter, and rapper who seamlessly blends pop, R&B, and...
Fresh off her hit single “Bait & Switch” Award-winning, Canadian R&B singer Melanie Durrant releases the brand-new video for...
Pale Wizard Records pays tribute to Alice Cooper’s classic Killer record, the first in...
Raised in Eureka, Florida, H Jack Williams began writing songs shortly after his 1971...