Genre blending singer, rapper, and multi-instrumentalist Treasure Bloom has an impressive track record of...
WIESE (Trygve Wiese-Haugland) is a songwriter, producer, and DJ from Bergen, Norway – the...
Netflix Canada and Women in Animation Vancouver (WIA) announced today the expansion of WIA...
Steven Curtis is a singer-songwriter, performer, producer, guitarist, and looper. A one-man band on...
Immortal is the latest single from conceptual singer-songwriter Ebony Buckle’s upcoming album, Disco Lasers....
Inspired by the Extraordinary Life and Times of Mr. Ulric Cross, Frances-Anne Solomon’s award-winning...
Vortex Media announced today the premiere of Titus Heckel’s award-winning feature film ‘Chained’. The film debuts...
Emerging East London-based singer Kae Sera blends modern-day electro-pop with sounds from the ’50s...
Scott Magnus is a pop artist from Oldham, Manchester (UK). He creates strong, beautiful,...
Since their debut in 2019, Bristol-based Nu-Metal five-piece NO:IR have evolved their sound from...