Leo Vann continues to push artistic boundaries with his latest offering “The Game,” further...
MVI (Mark Vickness Interconnected) was formed by Mark Vickness as a way to create music...
Solivan has established herself as a passionate vocalist with a powerful stage presence and...
October Gallery presents ‘Nature Morte,’ a solo exhibition by acclaimed Congolese artist Eddy Kamuanga...
A gunslinger on a mission from God must track down supernatural creatures as penance...
Two friends are brought to Medellin, Colombia under the guise of a pleasurable business...
French Horn Rebellion (FHR) is a delightfully bizarre indie electro-funk project led by Milwaukee-born brothers Robert and...
Don’t miss Ana Sky’s “Sleeping Without You,” a cinematic ballad, and her recently released...
Rex and the Rhythm (Rex) is a multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, and producer who spent his...
Samantha Gongol, best known as one-half of the platinum-selling duo Marian Hill, embarks on an...