Indie Fantasy-Horror Film The Whistler from Award-Winning Director Jennifer Stang to Screen at NYC...
Actress Tracey Birdsall, known to sci-fi and fantasy fans for her starring roles in...
Award-winning Hitchcockian suspense thriller Number 37, filmed in Cape Town, releases in theaters November...
On September 28th, Hip Hop artist Selldretti released his new R&B single “Never Let...
BRONX SIU (Episodes : 8, 7/19 UMC) Brian White (‘’Chicago Fire’’, ‘’Ray Donovan’’, “The...
DVD Netflix and I are teaming up on Instagram to share some of our...
SATURDAY, JULY 21, 2018: Katra Film Series returns to its namesake venue on the...
July 9, 2018– Leading independent distributor Wild Eye Releasing has acquired Portuguese horror film...
McCallany and Pastore set to star in “Iron Terry Malone” New York – Creative...
Occhi Magazine Announces Official Media Ambassador New York, NY— Occhi Magazine Announces the appointment...