Philine is a talented songwriter who invites her listeners to explore her imagination through...
With a sonic journey spanning through the archives of time and traversing the far...
Patrick Hakeem is a talented comedian from the bustling city of Montreal. He has...
Brett Matthews, who is known for his thoughtfully touching compositions, released his second single,...
HaZimation is thrilled to announce the release of its latest animated action-thriller, “Max Beyond”....
Gender Equity in Media Society (GEMS) recently announced the five films selected for 2024...
Canadian singer-songwriter Nicky MacKenzie is excited to present her upcoming EP ‘Morals’. The EP...
Zachary Finnegan is a talented jazz trumpeter who hails from Chicago, IL. He gained...
Thomas is a German composer and orchestrator based in Los Angeles. We had the...
Check out the EP ‘Love’s Latest News’ from the New York-born and bred musician,...