From the mind of the Final Destination creator, Cineverse Entertainment has announced the revenge...
Myles Lloyd is an R&B, pop artist from Montreal, Canada. His vocal presence and...
As giant music festivals around the world are becoming more identical in look, sound,...
Andrew Smith’s latest album, “The Garden,” is a captivating musical journey that invites listeners...
Niko Ceci is a fast-rising teen actor, dancer, and singer to watch from Toronto,...
Canadian Afro Pop/ Hip Hop artist R.O.Z (Ross Nyantakiy) has dropped his new single &...
Canadian-born, Brooklyn-based indie dream/pop artist Jenny Kern exhibits a magnetic vocal style and emotively...
Aubrey Williams played an integral part in an explosion of creativity and optimism amongst...
Jules Paymer’s first release of 2023, “The Daughter That My Mother Wanted” (Ft Miki...
Claudia Cappelletti is an Italian singer/songwriter whose music has taken her around the world,...