Tara Van, a pop singer-songwriter based in Toronto, shares glimpses of her internal world...
This is the first feature film directed by Joanne Mitchell. It premiered at this...
Multifaceted singer-songwriter, artist, musician, and producer Party Nails has shared her latest single “Same...
Filmmaker S. S. Arora makes his directorial feature debut with The Deserving. The film...
Bulldog Film Distribution presents the comedy-drama Portraits of Dangerous Women, in UK cinemas 4th...
Puma June is a Toronto-based multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, songwriter, and producer with an eclectic array...
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts has a great lineup of presentations for the...
Forced Entertainment is celebrating 40 years of groundbreaking performances with a pair of shows at...
Raised in Essex, England, Konyikeh’s music is deeply influenced by her Cameroonian and Jamaican...
Spanish/American artist Alexa Dark creates a genre-defying sound that fuses cinematic grandeur, evocative lyricism,...