Sunrise Films presents the upcoming North American theatrical release of Luna Carmoon’s Venice Winner...
The supernatural horror film ‘The Well’ has arrived in selected theaters and drops On...
The band Remember Summer comprises Northern Ireland’s Paddy Conn of indie pop band Swimming Tapes...
Vertigo Releasing release of action-thriller Duchess. Directed by Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers & The Descent), Duchess will be...
Occhi featured visual artist Kamila CK presents an interdisciplinary solo performance featuring live painting,...
Briarcliff Entertainment has acquired domestic distribution rights to Legion M’s critically acclaimed dark comedy...
Everyday Films recently announced that ZDF Studios’ Off the Fence (OTF) has acquired the...
This July, the Southbank Centre’s summer season ‘You Belong Here’ presents an extensive programme of art,...
Tiwani Contemporary is excited to announce Joy Labinjo’s solo exhibition, “We Are Briefly Gorgeous,”...
Urban Bush Women, a Brooklyn-based performance ensemble and dance company, is celebrating its 40th...