‘Madagasikara’ follows the lives of three resilient women fighting for the survival of their...
British singer/songwriter Johnny Ashby releases five-track EP entitled Born Again this month. inspired by the...
Toronto-based artist Taya Marquis has released the video for her latest single Chosen, an R&B...
Franck Amsallem is a recognized name in the jazz world. Born in Oran and...
Former AWOLNATION bassist, Dave Amezcua has dropped the 80’s inspired Alt/Pop single “She(Zoey Deutch).”...
The year was 1991, and the largest hostage siege negotiation to ever take place...
Originally from the tropical seaside town of Townsville, Australia, London-based singer/songwriter Ebony Buckle is...
Country/Pop artist Abigail Neilson releases her next single entitled, ‘Ruby’ today. The essence of Neilson’s...
Alt-pop artist, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist Minhee Jones has taken an evolutionary musical journey from...
With a career spanning twenty-plus years of innovative and breathtaking creative ventures, it should...