A Rough Draft is an exciting Russian Sci-Fi Fantasy Film directed by Sergey Mokritskiy...
Sergio Mendes: In the Key of Joy, documents a unique look into the Brazilian...
Princeton Holt’s comic fantasy “2050” is released On Demand and DVD this January from...
Katie Taylor was a Los Angeles casting director. She has worked on several major...
Gabriel Darku was born in Saint John, New Brunswick and raised in Yellowknife in...
Acclaimed filmmaker John Scheinfeld’s new documentary “Sergio Mendes: In The Key of Joy” will world...
Tristan D. Lalla is a multi-award-winning actor, born and raised in Montreal. He caught...
In the tradition of Best in Show and A Mighty Wind, and inspired by today’s obsession...
David Gutierrez (Gonzalo Trigueros) is an up and coming New York comedian who commands...
Marla (aka Marla Mae) has been sold as ‘Carrie’ meets ‘It Follows.’ The film...