David Gutierrez (Gonzalo Trigueros) is an up and coming New York comedian who commands...
Marla (aka Marla Mae) has been sold as ‘Carrie’ meets ‘It Follows.’ The film...
T’is The Season For Holiday Horror Films. “Holiday Hell” is a horror anthology that...
”Right Before Your Eyes’ is inspired by true events from director David Vincent Bobb’s...
An extraordinary woman risks everything for a second chance to be a mother in...
Premiering at EFM in Berlin, where it’ll be stumped internationally, the first trailer and...
“Don’t Look”, the first feature film for Latina director Luciana Faulhaber, has been acquired...
Los Angeles, CA– Random Media turns a picturesque retreat into a destination of terror...
With gun control a hot topic among many Americans, some would say the new...