The film distantly parallels the infamous true story of cannibal Armin Meiwes and Bernd...
Buffalo 8 shares the North American VOD release of Screwdriver, the first full-length feature...
Eagle Vision presents its post-apocalyptic drama ‘Finality of Dusk’ from award-winning director Madison Thomas....
Acclaimed author, filmmaker, media trailblazer, and prominent storyteller L.A. Wade is set to captivate...
A popular nursery rhyme mutates into a creature horror film with Three Blind Mice, a...
Award-winning horror-drama “Nightsiren” has been scheduled for a September 22nd limited theatrical release in...
Based on a graphic novel by writer-director Kevin Grevioux, King of Killers follows former...
In US theaters from September 8th, Dark Star Pictures presents Karim Ouelhaj’s Megalomaniac. Starring...
Dark Star Pictures will release the supernatural sasquatch horror ‘Summoning The Spirit’ on digital...
BET+ premieres the action thriller ‘Call Her King’ starring Naturi Naughton and Lance Gross,...