Written, directed by and starring Derek Ting, the film anchors on Jim Yung, a...
Dark Star Pictures has acquired critically acclaimed indie auteur Mickey Reece’s award-winning vampire feature...
From writer/director David Bly, and starring Leah Rudick (“Maid to Order”), Casey Biggs (Star...
Sometimes you have to go to the dark side to see the light. From...
Charlene Murray (Charlie to her friends) isn’t your average twenty-one year old. Inspired by...
Blind is the latest Horror movie from award-winning director Marcel Walz (Blood Feast). Faye,...
The Last Cry tells the story of Samantha, a physically and mentally abused woman,...
On Christmas Eve, innocent couple Lucy ( Samantha Loxley) and Jack ( Neal Ward)...
Written by Zac Stanford, The Argument stars Dan Fogler (Fantastic Beasts) as Jack, and...
Terror Films has acquired the worldwide digital rights to Marcus McCollum’s feature film debut,...