March 23, 2025
David Banks

David has starred in over 100 national commercials and currently holds the Guinness World Record for “The Largest Amount of Individual Television Commercial Advertisers.” He will soon appear in Half Magic, starring Heather Graham, Chris D’Elia, Thomas Lennon, and Molly Shannon, with Heather Graham in the director’s chair. We had an opportunity to speak with David about his career, projects, and things he loves to do!David Banks

You starred in 100 national commercials, and currently hold the Guinness World Record for “The Largest Amount of Individual Television Commercial Advertisers.” Amazing! Tell us more.

Well, it was one of those nice little emails to wake up to. Makes me want to go to sleep more often. [LAUGHS] I think, like any other artist, we are never fully satisfied with our accomplishments. So, whenever we are able to hear a bit of good news it’s always refreshing. Let’s us know we are heading in the right direction.

You have joined the ranks of Tina Fey, Steve Carell, and Bryan Cranston, to name a few, who have moved to film. Do you feel the commercials prepared you for filmmaking?

ABSOLUTELY! I was watching some of my favorite actors on YouTube just last week in some of their earlier commercials they appeared in. Even in the beginning, you can spot some of their classic trademark behavior. In a commercial, we only have 30 seconds or less to convey a certain character, but it definitely helps pave the way and gets us ready for the film world. They say one of the hardest things to do as an actor is find your ‘niche’ and what you are best at. In many cases, the genius minds of casting directors will spot that special something in you before you will in yourself. I had no problem making fun of myself and enjoying others do the same at my expense.

Let’s talk Half Magic. It’s a romantic comedy. It’s set to release 2017. Heather Graham is at the helm directing, and you’re co-starring with Heather Graham, Chris D’Elia, Thomas Lennon, and Molly Shannon. Tell us about the film.

It was one of the best shoots to date. Heather is an absolute angel and has a natural gift for, not only comedy, but also directing. She knew exactly what she wanted, but still gave us the freedom to have fun, which is a gift and a goldmine for any actor. It was a non-stop laugh fest. The film has some amazing cameos. I have a sneaky feeling there will be a lot of blooper clips. [LAUGHS]

Editor’s Note: Half Magic “explores themes of female empowerment through sex, work, and friendship. These women are able to come together through their frustration over male dominance and in fact use their newly formed sisterhood to lean on each other and understand that they must first learn to love themselves before doing anything else.” (Source: IMDB)

David BanksAlso, your film 5th of July is in post-production. You play Carruthers. This is also a comedy. Tell us about the film and your role.

I play a super annoying cop, who follows Jaleel White‘s character around and never lets up on the poor guy, who just wants to drop his father’s ashes off at a state park – mayhem ensues. I would best describe my character as a “Smarmy Sarcastic Smart Ass.” I felt right at home in this role. [LAUGHS]

[LAUGHS] We can’t wait to see it! What would you say has been the biggest challenge in your career?

Hearing the words, “you are perfect for this role, you are everything we are looking for, are you available on the shoot dates,” and then nothing. The waiting game is 100% real and isn’t going anywhere. [LAUGHS] Sometimes my confidence leads me in the audition room and there isn’t anything I can do wrong and other times I look around and think I’m the last person right for this role. The biggest challenge for me is telling that little voice in my heard to shut the hell up.

If you could choose any role to star in, where you could flex your acting muscles, what would it be?

I would go the same route Charlize Theron went in Monster, and grab a serial killer role by the balls. Nobody saw that coming and she dove in head first holding nothing back.

Yes, she did! It was incredible! As an actor, we understand how important it is to have range. Tell us your thoughts on this.

This has always been a tricky thing for actors, especially in the beginning of their career. We all want to have every weapon ready in our acting arsenal, if called upon, dramatic or comedic, but I have always been a fan of an actor sticking with what he or she does best, at least in the beginning. Building a name and a certain style and then branch out and show some range. People say “type cast,” as if it’s a bad thing. That just means you’re working. Whether it’s the same type of role as your last movie, if it was funny and a memorable character, there is nothing wrong with revisiting it again and again. We always see actors that come out of nowhere in a movie and have a funny flare or fast-talking trait, like Vince Vaughn, for example, in Swingers, then every role from that moment on was the same annoying, irritating speed talking guy. At that point, writers are writing for you and your style. This is a good thing.

According to IMDB, The Dark Tapes is set to release March 17, 2017. This is a scifi/thriller. This is a stark contrast to comedy. Tell us about your role and experience.

Even though the script was written with little to no comedy, I always try to bring a little slice of humor. Being the comic relief has always been something I have admired. The whole ‘dramedy’ thing has always appealed to my dark side I think. [LAUGHS]

“You don’t know the power of the dark side!” [Darth Vader voice] OK, enough of that![LAUGHS]  Look back on your career, describe what you’re feeling.David Banks

I was just telling my best friend tonight how incredibly blessed I feel to be able to do this for a living. If I were to compare it to any other feeling, I would say It’s like turning on a song with so much soul and it hits you for the first time and gives you the chills. Sure, there are many times I have stopped and questioned myself and my own sanity for choosing this career, but that one ‘YES’ can literally change your year, or even your career.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Music, Music Music and oh yea…… Music. If it’s not on in the car, it’s in the shower, and when I step out of the shower it’s blasting through the walls of my living room, so I don’t miss a beat. [LAUGHS] Whether it’s Journey, Judas Priest, Jon B, Jefferson Starship to Jody Watley, Its most likely on volume 10 and irritating my neighbors.

You get a high-five for Jody Watley! [LAUGHS] Are there any projects you’re working on that you can share?

I’m getting ready to shoot a film called Preacher Six, with an amazing cast, as well as, a follow up to The Dark Tapes.

Finish this sentence. I believe in . . .

JESUS, FAITH, GRATITUDE, AND BEING EXACTLY WHERE I AM SUPPOSED TO BE THIS VERY MOMENT. Oh, and pancakes being the best thing ever created by man, with loads of syrup of course.

If you could do your life all over again, would you?

Sure, as long as I can come back as Chevy Chase.

Is there a message you would like to share to close this interview?

One of my favorite quotes, “Life is too important to be taken seriously.” Feel free to follow me on Instagram or Twitter and tell me how much of a dork I am @DYNAMITEDORK.

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