December 22, 2024

This year Black Cat Film Productions presents “The Lockdown”, a documentary following  International Filmmakers and Actors during the Covid 19. As we know, 2020 was a terrible year, forcing many filmmakers and actors to cease film or stage productions. Only a handful of Filmmakers and actors, like Bobby Gammonster, Matt Young & Robert Bowen continued to work behind closed doors. This Documentary is an inside look into their stories on how their cope during the Lockdown and how they can do the same if some other tragic events occur sometime in the future. The film encourages and offers hope and support to those filmmakers who may require guidance, particularly if we witness global disasters or pandemics in the future. Featuring the music of composer Taran Mitchell, the film documents several actors and filmmakers such as Jessica Ham, Jason Wingate, Timothy Clark, Sarah Stephenson, Dean Houlihan, Robert Luxford, Robert Bowen, Jordan Vanezis, Emma Richard, Oliver Buckley, Bobby Gammonster, Vaishnavi Macdonald, Matt Young, Alanah Bautista, Matthew C. Vella, Natalie Higgins, Kaylee Embregts & Ramir Delgado.

This documentary will be released on the 30th of April & will be published on YouTube & Vimeo Channels here:

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Vimeo Channel:

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