Photo by Rex Hott Photography
We had an opportunity to chat with lead Joshua St. Leger, who plays Junior in the film. Check out the interview below.
Hi, Joshua! Thank you for granting the interview. Congrats on your role as Junior in the Maturing Youth movie. What should the audience expect to see?
Three words: Expect the unexpected. A dramedy with a surprise twist, Real Life Lessons being taught on the screen in Real Time.

Tell us about Junior. Who is he? What is his personality like?
Loving, innocent son of Roger, played by Sean A. Kaufman and Sadie, played by Kim Paris, with natural curiosities who couldn’t hurt a fly nor see a wrong in any person.
What role does Joshua play in the movie?
He is the catalyst for the movie. He is the character that makes it all happen.

Was it a challenge for him to play Junior? Did he have to pull from experience?
Not a challenge in being a kid because I am just that, a kid. The environment was not familiar, however, I’m a kid, so I just played myself with some guidance from the director, [Divoni] Simon and the film crew. If I got distracted, Mr. Simon and/or the crew pointed me in the right direction.
How did he get the role?
My agency, Nine9, sent a film audition lead to my mom, and my dad took me to the audition at R&F Entertainment Studios where I auditioned before [Divoni] Simon and the producer Chase [Michael Pallante] and the rest is history.

The subject matter of the movie is intense. How does the movie production bring something new to the story?
Without giving the movie away like a “Spoiler Alert”, The movie production’s delivery of the subject matter was the difference that made the story new; a mixture of old with the new, in your face with the highs and lows, good and bad, love it or let it alone but you just can’t leave it go…raw in its essence, up close and personal. That’s how the movie production brought something new to the public,… that’s what brings that “Something New” to the story.
What is going to surprise people about Junior?
How his resilient innocent presence impacted the events that take place in the movie.
Without giving anything away, what’s your favorite line of dialogue and why?
Funny you ask, officially, I had no lines in the movie, however, I was trying to improvise and make my inputs heard. For example; I was dictating to my father Roger what was supposed to happen on the scene, line-for-line before they called action. We all got a kick out of it. J
When looking back on the production, what resonated with him the most and why?
There was a scene in the movie where I had to have a diaper change and I laugh because I was already potty trained at the time. So with that scene, it really emphasized how innocent Junior was in this movie and how much a child needs their parents like for me, I really need my real-life parents.
In your opinion, what scene in the movie is going to blow people away and why?
Well, to be honest, take notice of all the scenes where I am sleeping…because I was. Literally, I fell asleep when the scene called for me to sleep, so that is no Hollywood acting there. That was real. J
What did he enjoy most about your character and role?
I enjoyed the role of a lifetime, I got to play myself as a character in a movie.
Do you have anything else you would like to share about the movie?
Great Crew, Great Directing, Great Production, Great Cast, Great Script and I didn’t even speak a line!J Just a Great Project to have been a part of! Would Love to go a second round with everyone again.
[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhhVNZyls4Q”]
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Featured Image Credit: Rex Hott Photography courtesy of R&F Entertainment.