We had the wonderful opportunity to chat with Celebrity Hair Stylist Kelly Araujo aka “The Hair Gypsy” about her career. She shares some awesome tips and advice. Check out the interview below.
Hi, Kelly! Thank you for granting the interview. We’re excited to speak with you. What inspired you to become a hairstylist?
I actually got into the hair industry by accident while I was studying Marketing in college. While I was in school, I suddenly found myself in between jobs. That’s when a friend of mine told me about a popular salon in the city, that she was a patron of was hiring. The thought of working in a salon was absolutely ridiculous to me because I had zero experience in that environment. I didn’t want to work there, but fate intervened, and I’ve been with the salon now for 10 years!
What are some of the hair trends you’re asked to do the most?
People are still very much obsessed with anything braided. Wedding season is winding down now, but I’d say that one of the most popular requests for me include braids. My Instagram account features so many braided styles because people ask me to create them so often.
Has your life changed once you became a celebrity stylist?
I think the only thing that has changed is that people are more interested in what I’m doing, and my calendar has become a game of Tetris a lot of the time. All jokes aside, working with celebrities has enabled me to travel the world and gifted me so many experiences I would have never had the opportunity to have. It’s been a real gift, and I will always be grateful for all of the amazing places and things I’ve been able to see. It’s really caused me to develop a real itch for travel.
What do you hope to accomplish in your career?
My only goal at the present moment is to continue learning and growing. I want to go as far as I can in this industry. This year one of the biggest lessons I learned was that nothing is ever guaranteed. You can plan and plan until you are blue in the face and then the universe has its way with you. So, for the time being, I’m just trying to stay as open as I can to receive any and all opportunities.
[su_pullquote align=”left”]”Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you.”[/su_pullquote]What would you say to others trying to follow their dreams?
I would say, believe in yourself. The road may not always be easy but just keep moving forward no matter what anyone says to you. Learn to accept the word ‘No’ because you’re likely to hear a lot of it and don’t let it discourage or keep you down. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you, get out there and create your own.
Who is your favorite style icon?
Oh my, it’s so hard to choose just one! There are so many people I enjoy following, but I would have to say, Jennifer Lopez Is definitely at the top of the list for me, along with Heidi Klum and Ciara. I love following these women because they are constantly having fun with their hair. I find their fearlessness in the beauty department, very inspiring.
Who are some of your favorite influencers?
I’m not super into the influencer world, but I do follow a few women that I think are doing great things, for females everywhere. They are: @theimpossiblemus – Lauren Wasser is a double amputee raising awareness about Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). She is a force and an inspiration to people everywhere.
@thebirdspapaya – Sarah Nicole is on a mission to get all women to love themselves no matter what their bodies look like. She is challenging and redefining beauty standards everywhere in the most beautiful and vulnerable way. I have so much respect for this woman.
@thisrenegadelove – Lauren McPhilips is spittin’ truths all day every day. She tackles issues head-on, while fearlessly creating a healthy dialogue, on a platform where all are welcome.
What is the number one beauty tip you’re asked about the most?
That would definitely be, how to create the perfect beachy waves. This is a style that will never go out of style. It’s the new classic.
[su_pullquote align=”right”]”work together to create opportunities.”[/su_pullquote]When looking back on your career, what resonated with you the most and why?
When I look back at my career, the one common theme that comes up is the role of women in my life. I have been fortunate enough to have female role models that truly inspire and empower me. I think it’s very important that as women we work together to create opportunities for other women to come up. We all win when we work together.
What styling tools are your go-to?
I am such a creature of habit and after 10 years in the industry, I’m pretty set in my ways and know exactly what I like. Two things I cannot live without are my Tangle Teezer and my XL Hot Tools Pro hair irons.
What do you love most about being a hair stylist?
My favorite thing about being a hairdresser is my interactions with people every day. I love that I get to spend all day making women feel beautiful. That is such a gift. I have grown quite attached to my relationships with my clients. I enjoy hearing about their lives and helping them reach their hair goals. It is really rewarding to know that what I do makes people feel good, so they, in turn, go into the world and do good. It’s a win-win in my books.
Do you have anything else you would like to share about your career?
You can find me on Twitter or Instagram as @thehairgypsy or visit my website to see what I’ve been up to lately!!