March 23, 2025
Guy Groove

We had an awesome opportunity to chat with Guy about his latest projects. Check out the interview below.

 Hi, Guy! Thank you for granting the interview. We’re excited to speak with you. When did you start dancing?

Thank you for having me! I have been dancing since I was 7 years old at my godmother’s dance studio outside of Boston, Massachusetts! My first style was tap, but over the years I started doing many more styles. I trained in Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Tap and Musical Theater as a kid and when I was about 18 I really found a passion for commercial and hip-hop dance.

Guy GrooveWhat inspired you to become a choreographer?

After high school, I attended the University of Arizona where I received my BFA in Dance. While at school I became OBSESSED with choreography and would spend a lot of time alone in the studio learning my “vocabulary” as a choreographer. I really love teaching as well, so I was always teaching my friends and other students my choreography. It’s really something special to create a dance that others want to learn and even more that audiences enjoy to watch!

Music and dance have a strong connection. What are your thoughts?

For me the music is everything, I dance and choreograph to the way that the music makes me feel. I like to explain that I like the choreography to look the way the music sounds. It’s not enough to just do some cool moves or tricks, as a dancer and artist you need to connect to the emotion and music.

What do you hope to accomplish in your career?

I have had some amazing experiences! I have choreographed music videos, award show performances, TV shows, live performances and I get to share my love for dance with some of the most talented dancers in the world. There are so many things I dream of accomplishing but one thing that really sticks out to me is leaving an impact. I want to inspire dancers for years to come and teach everyone how to love dance.

Take us through the process of choreographing a song.

When I’m choreographing to a song the process will always be different depending on if it is a live performance, a dance class, a music video, or whatever it is. For a live performance, I would first start by teaching the dancers the main part of the choreography. I would then begin to add formations and tell the dancers where they need to stand etc. Mostly for me, it’s just a feeling, I just do what feels right at the moment for the situation and trust my gut feeling!

Guy GrooveWhat was your favorite choreography to date?

My favorite job to date would have to be JoJo Siwa’s performance at the 2018 US Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards. The whole performance was amazing from JoJo to the dancers and the stage, it was perfect!

Is there a favorite talent you would love to work with?

I love to work with kids. I love the energy and I think when a kid is super talented they are so inspiring especially to other kids! I think it’s really exciting to watch a kid’s career grow as they grow and help to create a star!

What has been your favorite experience in being a choreographer?

My favorite experiences as a choreographer are of course the amazing feeling when you see your choreography on TV or at a major event, especially for the first time. That does feel great, but the most fulfilling part is when you meet dancers who want to learn from you and take your class because they are inspired by what you do!

When looking back on your career, what resonated with you the most and why?

My career has really just begun. I have been in LA for six years and have been working as a choreographer for about three years. I think it’s amazing to see how far I have come already, but I know there is so much more waiting for me in the future!

In your opinion, how could choreographers make an impact on the world?

I think choreographers make a bigger impact on the world today than they ever have. With social media, dance videos are going viral and choreographers and dancers can have a huge following of fans. What you decide to do and share can impact the world. Choreography and dance is storytelling.  You can bring awareness to any situation by using dance. Dance can touch people’s hearts and also grab the attention of the audience. It is up to the choreographer to share the message he or she wants to share.

If you had to do it all over again, would you still choose to be a choreographer? Would you do anything differently?

There is nothing in the world I would rather be doing than I am doing now! I get to inspire dancers all over the world, see my choreography on major platforms and work with people I love. I could and would never choose another path!

Do you have anything else you would like to share about your career?

If you want to be a choreographer, dancer or any artist you have to do it because you love it. Turning your art into your career is a huge risk and it’s hard because so many emotions are attached to it, but if you love what you are doing you will never regret taking that path. I host a free livestream dance class on my YouTube channel every Saturday 11:00am PST and make sure you follow me on all my social medias @GuyGroove!!

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