Before you begin planning your event, make sure your film is ready to view. It’s essential that you create enough time between the release event and the official film premiere to generate interest in attending your event. Also, determine what you want the audience to do after viewing your film (e.g., Purchase, review). If you’re seeking feedback, set up a question and answer session to discuss the film and receive immediate feedback. However, with an online event, you can create a live chat window to receive immediate feedback.
You want your event to serve two purposes. One is to see how the audience will respond and, secondly, to generate a buzz. So, you must take the necessary steps to make sure you have everything in place before the event.
Choose an event date that works with your premiere schedule. At least a month in advance would be an excellent time to set something up. Keep in mind that you’ll need several things in place before your event. Make sure you have promotional material, such as the key art for your poster and stills from the film. You should include behind-the-scenes stills and footage, with a press release. Make sure everything is downloadable, too. You can use Dropbox or any other digital storage company to grant access for downloadables. Also, consider adding a few giveaways, such as an autographed movie poster. It could even be a DVD version of your film or any merchandise that promotes the film.
Why should you hold an online event? It’s convenient. Thousands of people can join in simultaneously. Further, you can make it interactive. You can quickly engage with your audience. The best part about an online event is you can hold one for free! To see a measure of success, you need to use your social outlets to your advantage. Promote but do so in a manner that generates interest in your event. You may have to pay for advertising, but you can control the cost. If your budget is limited, promote the event within 48-hours of the event date. This way people can easily recall and remember the event. There are more things you can do, but you understand the gist of what I’m saying. Be creative!
You want people excited about your event! Keep that in mind! Well, I hope this has inspired you to create your own release event.
Happy promoting!