March 21, 2025

We are delighted to have Ebiye chat about her latest film Success with us! You will learn what inspired the production and how the film addresses the #METOO movement. Check out the interview and trailer below.

Hi, Ebiye! Thank you for granting the interview. It is a pleasure to speak with you about your latest film Success. You wrote, directed, and produced it. What inspired the film?

Thank you for having me. Well, the film Success, which was my thesis project, was inspired by my favorite play Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and the classic film Sunset Boulevard by Billy Wilder, as well as some personal experiences. The themes explored in Success are similar to those explored in Dr. Faustus and Sunset Boulevard. Being an upcoming director, I understand the struggle that many people face in this industry, especially rejection. But I wanted to encourage viewers watching, that no matter what circumstances they may be facing, selling their souls for fame and material possession should never be an option.

What is it about this film that is a must-watch?

The story. The film addresses the #METOO movement, which has taken over Hollywood but has a different angle. In addition, my actors were phenomenal. Watching this film, you get lost in the story because the actors are so convincing in the way that they portray their characters. Everything blended in so well to create an amazing picture.

Photo by Pamela Garcia – Aguirre

What should the audience expect?

There is a big twist in the story. I don’t want to give it away, so you will have to watch to find out.

What has the feedback been, thus far? 

I’m blessed to have received mostly positive reviews from viewers and film critics. Some people have encouraged me to try developing Success as a feature-length film. It is something I may consider in the future but not right now. I have some other goals I want to accomplish before attempting a feature.

What has been your biggest takeaway in your career, thus far?

To be patient. Greatness does not happen overnight otherwise everyone would be great.

How important is it for a filmmaker to expand their portfolio with short films?

I think it’s very important for filmmakers to expand their portfolio with short films. The good thing about short films is the fact that they can be 20 minutes to 30 minutes in length. Of course, it all depends on the story. I currently have five short films on my website and I plan on shooting more as soon as I can. I definitely feel like the more shorts you have to show, the better it is for your body-of-work. You can show how diverse you are as a filmmaker, with the various shorts you have. Shorts can also get you the right kind of attention. If you are able to grasp the attention of the right people with one of your shorts, you can easily get your big break from there.

If you could choose a story to tell, what would it be and why?

I would tell the true story of Africa. It is quite unfortunate that whenever Africa is mentioned in the mainstream press or movies, it is mostly negative. If it’s not about poverty or a disease breakout like Ebola, then there is barely ever any kind of coverage. For instance, economic growth and development in some of the countries on the continent should be discussed more.

I would like to educate people more on this topic through films and documentaries because Africa is my home.

[su_pullquote align=”right”]”Besides my strong passions for Journalism, film, music, fashion, and art, I am a humanitarian at heart.”[/su_pullquote]Thus far, what has been the best experience working in the industry?

I would say my project being recognized at different film festivals and reaching a larger audience. Success is currently making the rounds on the festival circuit, winning an award for “Best Supporting Actress,” at the Creation International Film Festival (2018), placing as a finalist in AltFF (2017), as semifinalist in Los Angeles Cinefest (2018), and selected for Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema (2018). I’m thankful for every award or recognition my project receives because my team and I worked extremely hard.

Do you have any upcoming projects that we haven’t mentioned?

I recently directed a project titled Rukky, which is the pilot episode of a series. Rukky follows the life of an 18-year-old Nigerian heiress, who moves to Los Angeles to study photography, but she crashes headfirst into a search for independence on a global level. Rukky is a ‘fish out of water story.’ Think of the movies, like Coming to America and  Mean Girls but with an original touch because it is loosely based on my life experiences in Los Angeles, and England, where I lived for 5-years.

Complete this sentence, if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do ___________.

I would do whatever I can to end world hunger and poverty. Besides my strong passions for Journalism, film, music, fashion, and art, I am a humanitarian at heart. There are so many people around the world without clean water, people living on the streets, people who go for days without food or access to decent health care. It is such people I want to help. I pray every day for God to bless me so that I may bless others. I wish nobody in the world would feel pain, especially children. I hope to be a blessing to millions of people before I leave this earth.

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Featured Image Credit: Pamela Aguirre-Garcia.

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