March 20, 2025


What is a Star Wars movie without easter eggs? In this instance, the easter eggs are most needed to solve the confusion many Star Wars fans have over The Last Jedi. You have force projections, force bridges, and Leia floating through space. Those scenes alone are enough to make any fan scream in frustration. But, as previously mentioned in my film analysis, you must have a grasp of the comics, novels, and animated series, to understand what’s actually occurring in The Last Jedi. Things are just not as they appear to be. Look at me, sounding all force-sensitive and stuff! So, let’s go over some of the things you may either have missed or need a deeper understanding of why a particular scene was added to the film. Again, I should state that this is my opinion and open to interpretation. Like Obi-Wan said, “You’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” This is your cue to use this article as a guide to a greater understanding of the film or Star Wars Universe, so to speak.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi poster
Star Wars: The Last Jedi poster by BossLogic

Let’s begin with the obvious scenes, such as Leia floating in the vacuum of space. She uses a force ability that shocked many fans. But Leia is a Skywalker and they are strong with the force. Whose to say Luke didn’t teach her how to concentrate on letting the force flow through her? Maz Kanata taught Rey how to use it. Maz isn’t a Jedi but she knows the force. Remember how Rey uses the Jedi mind trick “without any training” in The Force Awakens. She even successfully defeated Kylo, who is trained in the use of a lightsaber, in a battle after he mentioned the force to her. So, Leia floating through space isn’t too far-fetched. Admittedly, I was part of the fan grumblings, but after recalling Rey’s use of the force without training, it all gelled and made sense.

Luke apparently abandons the force. Yes, I’m calling it as I see it. He abandons using the force. That’s why he’s able to remain concealed for so long. Even Rey mentioned she couldn’t see him, but did you notice she saw Leia when she said, “Light?” Luke was written to be this cantankerous, old man, who snubbed the force, Rey, and the resistance. He wanted to be left alone to breastfeed and cliff dive. OK, that’s a bit harsh but that’s how “I interpreted” Luke’s scenes. As he said, he came to Ach-too to die. His words, although it may not be verbatim. There was a lot of popcorn crunching in my ears. Further, Luke’s use of force projection shocked several fans, but this ability was first introduced in Star Wars Rebels. Yoda used it to speak with a Jedi.

The force bridge shouldn’t come as a surprise. We’ve seen this display in several Star Wars films. Luke and Leia. Luke and Darth Vader. It’s obvious the connection between Kylo and Rey is amplified due to their strong bond with the force. Snoke just manipulated the connection and took credit for it. At the end of The Last Jedi, the bond was still there. Rey and Kylo looked surprised that the connection went beyond Snoke because Snoke was dead, or is he?

Still from "Star Wars Attack of the Clones." ©2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Jocasta Nu and Obi-Wan – Still from “Star Wars Attack of the Clones.” ©2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Force-sensitive children do exist. If you don’t blink, you will see the kid in the stable use the force to grab a broom. Force children were mentioned in the comics. Jocasta Nu was a force-sensitive, Chief Librarian, who preserved a holocron that contained a database of force-sensitive children across the galaxy. It wasn’t destroyed during Order 66. See! This is what I mean about reading the comics. There’s a wealth of information in the comics, novels, visual dictionaries, and the animated series that can explain everything.

Additionally, I previously mentioned that Vice Admiral Holdo (Laura Dern) is from Claudia Gray’s novel Leia: Princess of Alderaan, but she’s brand new to those who haven’t read the novel. You can read about her backstory on Star Wars Wookieepedia. This is why it is important to conduct research before watching any Star Wars film.

This is all I will cover. There are so many articles and YouTube videos on The Last Jedi’s easter eggs that I would be repurposing content. Just Google “Star Wars The Last Jedi Easter Eggs” and you access other articles, like things you may have missed and special cameos. It’s well worth the read and viewing. Further, Star Wars visual dictionaries reveal a lot of backstory for the films. The visual dictionary for The Last Jedi revealed information about Snoke that wasn’t presented in the film. It explains the origin of his ring and much more.

If you don’t have time to watch or read anything beyond the films, here’s a list of some awesome resources to help you catch up:

  1. Star Wars Theory
  2. Star Wars HQ
  3. Star Wars Coffee
  4. Mike Zeroh

You can also catch up on Star Wars content via DVD Netflix. If you’re new to Star Wars, or you haven’t watched all of the films, you can rent them. I recommend you do a Star Wars marathon before watching The Last Jedi. Rent yours here: I also recommend that you read the comics and novels, too. #DVDNation #ad

Movie Rating: 4 stars.

Movie Ratings Guide

1 Star = Unwatchable
2 Stars = Cannot Recommend
3 Stars = Great for the Fans
4 Stars = A Solid Movie
5 Stars = Must Own (DVD/Stream Download)

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Film Analysis of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” – Minor Spoilers and Additional Feedback.”
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